Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Computer Envy

With the addition of the newest assignment, I've finally found myself at the point of "have to do something". I'm a bit behind, and need to work around the system requirements of camtasia. My school Tech Coordinator is unlikely to approve the program installation, my computer at home is incapable...interesting spot!

1 comment:

Jimmy Harris said...

Ah, tech coordinators! An interesting lot! Makes me think of a recent experience where one of our Biology teachers was turned in (by some of her students) for allowing them to access YouTube in the Science Computer Lab. Of course, YouTube was quickly filtered and I was sent to investigate this dastardly deed. I found that the teacher had indeed allowed the access, but what the students were asked to watch was a video clip of cell mitosis (not coincidentally the unit they were on!).

Obviously, we can see the rationale behind blocking certain downloads on the company system, but I don't know how much of the thought that goes into these policies by the tech people (and others in the bureaucratic hierarchy) isn't as much an ignorance/power thing as it is in the "best interest" of the students. Chatting with some of my contemporaries around the state leads me to believe this is more common than we may realize. It is frustrating when so much good that may be done is squashed.