Thursday, April 19, 2007

A Change Already?

Thanks to Mr. Harris, I have a new online bookmark program. While I'm still learning its use, it appears to be much more simple than OnlineBookmarkManager. I've been using OBM with success this week. It is a little time consuming to save pages, but the organization of these bookmarks was simple. I opted not to use the the "import" feature that works with Firefox so I could build a neat set of bookmarks. The ones on my computers lack that right now. The only real issue that I've run into is that my user name and email address show up on screen. One of the reasons I'd like to have this program is so that I can show my students things online, sometimes to answer a question that they may have. With me using the projector I'd certainly prefer that my email address not be visible. Other than that, I'm happy with the program.
Delicious is different. For starters it is an add-on for Firefox. After installing, there is a button on each page and tab that allows an easy addition to be made to the bookmarks, much like saving them to the computer. NICE! Even more importantly, my email address shows up no where. The kids will be able to see my user name, but I can live with that. I'll just have to make it something appropriate and something that I don't use anywhere else, in case they search it.
Thanks for the help Jimmy!

1 comment:

Jimmy Harris said...

I am glad you were able to get some use out of Delicious. One big use I had for it was after learning about webquests and planning to utilize themwith my classes, I spent an evening searching for suitable ones and tagging them for easy reference. I also was able find some for other subject areas (to share with colleagues) and tag them for as well. You are correct about being able to display the button on your tool bar for quick addition. I have not tried OBM so I don't know how it compares, but I have been pleased with what Delicious allows me to do, especially from a time and organizational standpoint.