Tuesday, June 26, 2007


I'm still looking for the best uses of podcasts and trying to find a reason to use them, when the video component is so useful, and with high speed connections, and massive storage capabilities it only makes sense.
I do like the idea of students creating their own cast and then placing the audio into a presentation, or screen casting. Or, maybe having them add a cast to the class wiki that verbalizes the events of the class that day, maybe creating an audio version of our text and trying to help some of our lower readers that way. There are some interesting uses for this technology and I have to adjust and try new things. That's really what it boils down to.

While looking for uses, I have found some pages that should be useful.
-general stuff, may have uses in a variety of class settings
-more general stuff
- more education based than the first two offerings with separate sections for the different curricula

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