Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Humans Conquering the Solar System

I just hit this article and had a mixed thoughts about it. Terraforming Mars and later other planets is the idea. The author discusses the fact that we have been terraforming here for millenia and will have to do the same, starting on Mars, which isn't too far from being somewhat habitable. The science behind this is wonderful, but the arrogance of some in the human race is a little scary. There will be issues that arise as humans become a spacefaring species. We have enough political issues over boundaries...what will we have when there are multiple planets involved. Would it be like the great days of exploration when brave men drove their men on to new things, planted flags and claimed the land for their king?
Somehow, it does sound interesting, but it's fairly obvious which countries would have an advantage in this realm. Could we be moving back to a future of colonialism?...then into a skirmishes over boundaries, taxation, and revolution? Imagine watching that develop as you compare the history of the U.S. Interesting and scary.
One can only hope that those in power will have learned from history, so it doesn't have to be repeated. BUT, imagine the possibilities...

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