Friday, June 8, 2007

Getting Caught Up

This past week has really put me behind. The last week of teaching usually makes for lots of work. I corrected 14,300 answers for the final this year. Most of that is behind me and I can start looking at taking care of school for my self. I hope to be all caught up by the end of next week. The Nk-12 class text is pretty well read. This is the first text that doesn't read like a text. I like it. DigPhoto has gone OK so far, I just wish that I had more time to dedicate to it. Hopefully that will improve now.
I'm looking forward to taking the time to find new shots and using my newfound skills to improve my classes next year. So far I've liked what I've seen. The chapter on the wikis got me thinking about how I could use them. I've started a file for my thoughts as I go through classes. It should help me to remember what I'd like to use new ideas for in my lessons. I leave today's post with a picture. It's one that turned out pretty well. It's also one of my favorite areas to hunt. I'm usually only here during the winter, with snow and ice everywhere, but for a class I ventured in to see what I could get a shot of. I'm happy that I did. Plus, on this little hike, I saw that there are number of native brook trout that live here. Sounds like an excuse to take day fishing the length of this little tributary. The surrounding area is steep enough and far enough from the general public that it should a solitary event...peace and quiet!

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