Monday, July 9, 2007

Video Tips

Here are a few pages that will be helpful when looking at the uses of digital video and for helping you to make better videos. I found some good tips here. Of course, some are pretty much common sense, but there are really some things I hadn't considered before.
DV tips for the classroom
Apple Ed site
O'Reilly Mac page

I hope that these tips will help me as I try to create my first video for may latest class....never tried this before, so it should be interesting to say the least. I have my actors lined up and my story board pretty well set. I have a location and now all I need is the camera and to learn the software. This may be a bit time consuming and I foresee many mistakes. I just have to remember to save frequently and make different versions so I can easily revert to the video before I screwed it up. Hopefully I won't be pulling my hair out by the end of this little adventure!

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