Monday, February 11, 2008

Wailing Over Wiki

So far this school year, I've been waiting for approval to use and get access to my wiki in school. This past week, it was given approval. 22 weeks of using it, to a limited extent due to not all students having access at home, and it's finally approved!!! That was GREAT news to say the least...which was shortly followed by the email stating that the IT department was not able to open up access to my wiki alone. All of wikispaces was opened, which, considering that not all people are in education, was not good. The decree came down that the wiki would not now or any time soon be available to the students in the school setting. Not a good day.
I'm still holding out hope, but doubt that this tool will see the light of day in school this year. Another sad thing for me in my teaching experience. It seems that the more I try to improve my teaching, the more things hit me in the face to force me into the standard teaching box.
It started a couple of years ago when my project based method was terminated to more closely match the seasoned teacher teaching opposite of me and to be sure that all students were receiving the same education no matter which team they were on. Strike 1.
I started to do things more like my counterpart. More worksheets, less teaching, less of the newest things in science, less reading work etc. I admit it's a lot less work to give the students something to do than it is to expend the energy teaching and motivating them. Strike 2.
This year also brought about the end of my newsletters. I no longer have the ability to create these or access my old ones due to the lack of MS Publisher. I miss this contact with parents and the positive responses I received from parents. Along with that program went the "Positive Points to Ponder about Your Prize Pupil" that used to go home to many students that usually don't get things sent home but that work and do well in class. Strikes 3 and 4.
Add to this the fact that I'm unable to install the Starry Night program on this new computer. This was a staple in demonstrating numerous concepts. I don't have the ability to install the school's own program to use in class. Another strike...5 I believe.
The scanner that currently does nothing but hold up the phone in my room is another strike. I can't install this school item either. This was really nice for taking student work and using it for an example or for editing and made taking things from the book to show and draw on extremely simple. Another great tool falling by the wayside. If memory serves, that's strike 6.
Add to this the death of the smartboard, for some unknown reason( it just doesn’t cooperate at all), and it's been a pretty lousy few years for advancing my teaching. Strike 7 puts me two more away from the end of the inning and ready to retire from pushing this behemoth of contradictions we call education into the current time, let alone getting into anything that even approaches futuristic. Wait, did I mention that I can no longer email progress reports to parents (strike 8) and that printing grades to post on my wall (by anonymous numbers) now takes 45 minutes or so to create, cut and tape together (strike 9 and end of inning)
Sometimes I really wonder why the (pick and expletive here) I'm learning new tools if each and every one gets a fresh, steamy crap taken on it?? Why waste my time and money? In the words of texting students: WTF???? Why bother? Becoming the worksheet king is acceptable and apparently preferred in my school. Why try? It's the end of the 9th and I lose, that's the way it is.
Sorry about the post being so negative today, even though I decided not to post last week when the pooh really hit the fan and wait to see what happens. I am happy that I did do a good job of waiting to process exactly what the 23 weeks of wiki work being lost really meant in the grand scheme of what I'm learning in education. If I'd simply reacted, I might have lost the extent to which everything I do is completely in control of someone else in education. I'm happy that I see this VERY CLEARLY now. I guess that's a positive, or sort of. Anyway, that's my recent Ed Tech experience and I can fully understand why so many people consider teaching a lower profession. Excelling is not reward but punished. There is no competition, and no reason to push for new things or methods. Status quo seems mandatory, as I'm forced, kicking and screaming into the standard teaching box. What a pile!!! Looking for other options seems necessary, but where to go from here?


Linda said...

That so totally sucks! What a sad statement on education in your district.

Maybe it is time to move on to a district and staff that would allow you to do more.

In my district they will allow many of the things that were a strike for you now. Maybe not the teach our own way, or at least I can at the elementary level. I have not been pushed to do worksheets by any administrator.
We don't have MS Publisher, but if you needed it I am sure there is a way you could get it out of your classroom budget. I have a number of programs no one else has since I need them for how I teach.
Don't know anything about Stary Night, but you can install programs on your machine (this was a fight a few years ago that I took a lead in making happen).
Smartboard. Hummm. We would do a work order here and have a tech look at it. Maybe you need a new cord. I had to buy one for mine.
We can do what ever with e-mail here, don't see why you couldn't do progress reports.
Scanner could be loaded, in fact you could do it or the building support person could.
If nothing else you have reminded me to be grateful! Some times I feel pretty alone since I am the only one that teaches with technology (at least to the degree I do).
I am so sorry you are having these problems. Know there are places out there that would either love to have you or at least mostly get out of your way! I hope you can find one!

Linda said...

Thinking of you. I keep thinking about you and how frustrating it must be at this point. I am also sad that one of the leaders in using tech in the classroom is being forced to go with the "old" style of teaching! Know you continue to be in my thoughts!

MHopkins said...

I appreciate your comments and advice. The BIG issue is that when I say "can't" I don't mean that there is a lack of ability, I mean that there is a lack of permission. Even the money that I have to spend on classroom stuff isn't permitted to go to tech. That has to be done by the technology department, through the technology funding. It's quite a mess right. We have some terms of endearment for how the computer police operate.
Thanks for you help and pity :)

Linda said...

I understood the meaning of "can't" totally. I KNOW you know how, but aren't allowed to. What a pit!!! Makes me very happy to be where I am. There are times I get frustrated because I am the only one teaching this way and I would love to have another teacher or even a few of them teaching this way to work with. Guess I will be happy with what I do have!!! I am sorry you don't have it so you can teach as you wish!