Sunday, November 4, 2007

Still Plugging Along

I'm still working toward more tech in the classroom. The wiki works great! long as the students don't try to access it from school. It's the 10th week of school next week, and I'm still not getting access for the kids yet. Maybe soon?
The blog has started. Some students love the assignments, while others have yet to visit it. The comments I've received have been positive and some have really made me laugh. I have a really great bunch this year. Hopefully this blog will evolve into something more in the near future.
I started SAP training. Student Assistance Program training has a BAD reputation around here. The first presenter gave us handouts which she read point by point from her PowerPoint. That was painful! I think we can all read. One part where she did stray from the written part is when a question was asked about whether this SAP is required in schools. She stated that it wasn't mandated, but that they'd "take your buses away" if schools don't adopt the program. So, it's not mandated, but funding will be lost if it's not implemented. Confused? Me too.
So far, I've been to two FULL days of training. Those are two days of my life I'll never get back! I'll wait and see if any lawsuits come from the last session, where religion was really a school training...hmmm. Then there was the "you're pregnant, right" comment from the presenter, which lead to unexpected pregnancy versus intended pregnancy in wedlock, followed quickly by comments about how most troubled youths are from families without tight ties to church, and then about how churches are free etc. Ya, it was a really iffy day on the legal scale. Something about the separation of church and state? On top of that, I lose interest pretty quickly when a "professional" removes her shoes and starts into too many stories that are off topic and about how great her family/kids are.
We did have one presenter, that knew her presentation, added enough of a personal touch and didn't merely read her information to us. That was a nice change, just too bad it was about 2 1/2 hours out of the 16 so far. Oh well, just two more days left next week and I'll be a SAP.

1 comment:

Linda said...

Sounds like getting though that type of training is enough to make you a sap (Haha!!).

Sorry it was so painful and for that you had to create sub plans and all the work that goes with it. I don't mind when it is really worthwhile, but resent it when it is a waste of my time on top of all the extra work.

Good luck!