Thursday, March 15, 2007

Interactive PowerPiont

Today I looked at the interactive PowerPoint. I'm really amazed at what it has to offer...before this I had no idea that this was possible. The new avenues are endless! With my school becoming more and more involved in technology, I see PP's being hyperlinked from our school page for students to review for exams, get help for assignments and for parents to see what their students are learning. This seems like a technology that I could really use and one that will help make students more involved in their own learning.
Most teachers seem to hand out some form of review for tests/finals...imagine that being interactive and full of just the things you'd like to have the students look at! I guess it's time to learn how to create these myself...more on that later.


Jimmy Harris said...

I have heard the term "interactive" used with PowerPoint but not given it much thought until reading your post today. Just when it seemed I was reaching a level of competance with PPT, here comes the enhanced version!

Googling around, I find several sites that offer a lot of details for creating a variety of these interactives. Many younger students enjoy some form of competition when they study and I was surprised at all of the sites that offered how-to's for a myriad of educational games.

Coastal Carolina U. gave a brief description of interactive PPT's and how they were non-linear (as opposed to traditional PPT). This feature made it possible for the user to go in a variety of directions. They even gave a step-by-step for creating a "Jeopardy" game with this media. I guess this is appealing because increasing levels of difficulty can be easily added, creating a risk/reward scenario (I always felt I concentrated better when there was something at stake, even if it was only pride!)

Thanks for bringing this new Ed Tech item into the blog. If you haven't seen the site I referred to and are interested, it can be found at:

Finally, as I was searching I also came upon PPT Movies. I had seen them at some conferences (never in our district - I guess we are still in the stoneage!) It was interesting to read about creating them (Mactopia and Microsoft Office Online, etc.). Thanks again, Mark, for the creative nudge!

KKRH said...

How did creating your interactive PowerPoint go? I didn't know such a thing was possible on Ppt (though I had seen the button for "adding a hyperlink" and didn't know what it meant until now.) I found that making it was much easier than I'd expected. Hardest part was making sure to get everything in order.. I had to make an outline of all my slides and what order I wanted them in before I linked them. But it's almost like creating a webpage, and just as simple to get around. I really liked what I could do with it.