Monday, March 26, 2007


I just started to read about the idea of podcasts in schools. I received an offer from a company offering a $40 starter kit. This is an idea that I have heard of but never explored. I started my search on Google and found Wikipedia's information useful, to better understand what they are(lots of technical stuff). The first page I visited was Podcasts Increasing in Popularity, which suggested that individuals would increasingly make use of this technology and students would benefit as well. But had yet to find what I was really looking for. I was looking for a "How to..." or a program that would show me what the uses were and what pitfalls there were. When I looked further I found that podcasts appear to be for audio. I found some information on About: radio, but was still disappointed in the in the audio end of students hear me enough, would they really like to get online and listen to me at home? What would or COULD they do with my voice, using the editing technologies out there? Right now, I'm not interested in trying one of these casts, but may change my mind if someone can show me what I can do with one...we'll see what happens I guess.
I did find a page that seems pretty good at the "How to" stuff at
It seems promising. There must be good uses that I'm just not seeing yet.

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