Tuesday, March 20, 2007

Good Reactions

While I've done no research today, I did spend quite a bit of time dealing with the interactive PowerPoint. I showed a teacher that co-teaches the learning support science with me a few things that I thought we should try with this new idea (at least new to me). She was very impressed, so we spent a while going through what we could do with it. As so frequently happens after school, when you have things to do, another teacher showed up. Another one needed to learn how to do this...that took up most of the time I'd set aside for the research today, but did seem worth while. I'll see what my co-teacher thinks of tonight when she stops in to plan tomorrow.
At least I've already hit one new thing that I'll definitely use and don't need enormous quantities of new equipment to put to use. That's a pretty good success ratio! It's also one that can grow in its uses as the tech in my building catches up.

1 comment:

Jimmy Harris said...

I am actually working backwards with your comments, but imparting what you have learned of this new tech aspect involving PPT is truly one way that useful tech info can be spread. Unless you are fortunate enough to work for a very progressively thinking and directed district (and thankfully these ranks seem to be growing), whose tech people cover all aspects from installation to training and maintenance and repair, this is often how others learn quickest and best.

Networking is one of the concepts that I taught my DCT students as related to staying abreast of what was happening in the job market. Only since I have begun my work in tech-based curriculum and instruction have I come to realize the similar value for obtaining and disseminating important and current info from colleagues. Thus, what at first glance appears to be a very benign post really has a powerful message to some of us! Well done, Mark!