Monday, October 8, 2007

New Contact and New Things

Well, in this connected world in which we currently occupy space, I'm amazed that others are interested in this little blog. My rants about the PowerTeacher program have received notice. I'll post more as I know more. At least I feel better knowing that I'm being heard right now and may be working toward some solutions. I know that perfection to me will most likely not be perfection to others, so I'm not looking for a completely personalized program. Progress makes me happy though!

Other than that, school is progressing nicely. I have a really good group of students this year, with only a few that are in the failing range and in need of a little extra persuasion. I also have several that are signed in to edit the wiki and a few others that are willing and excited to remake my rock collecting video. I've given them the scripts and access to the original video too. They are also aware that they are expected to make this video their own and to let their humor show. They are a very funny group of students! If permissions allow, I'll post that when it's done too. It should be interesting to say the least.
All in all, the first mid-term brings with it a change of weather and a change in mindset. Hopefully, the remainder of the year will go smoothly and show improvement across the board.
My wiki got hit pretty hard during the last project, so I think that students are starting to see some of the uses. My list of students that are permitted to make changes is growing, and I'm introducing the blogging to my students this week. Forward motion is most always met with happiness! I hope that progress continues.
More posts will follow on the experiences with all the above...for better or worse.
Thanks for reading!

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