Wednesday, September 26, 2007


This week I have a little improvement. Whether it's intentional or not I don't know, but, my students can access the wiki through some of the library computers, but not the regular student computers. I'm not sure what's up there yet. The tech department appears to willing to help, but nothing has happened yet. We'll see what happens.
On a positive note, I have a student that is now signed in to edit the wiki and the usage shows that there are a few using it. I posted the next test on the wiki to entice some, and that will make a GREAT case for students not caring about their grade when the parent teacher meetings start soon. They have access, in at least on location now and have no excuses. I'm hoping that this grows and becomes something more useful than it is right now. In any event, it's about the easiest way to get a web presence!! SOOO simple and easy to use in all ways.
Another teacher found a way to get through the filter and use blogs in school too! It turns out that our filter does not block the "" pages, so I'll be tapping that market soon too. I might use this for something different, and might send a newsletter home to parents to get them involved too...might be fun and worth while.
If anyone has any say in the grading/attendance programs that their school uses, steer way clear of "Powerteacher"...what a bum steer this is!! I keep hearing from the administration how "powerful" the tool is, but have yet to find anyone to show me how it even comes close the the old SASI and IntegradePro. The basic things are gone and lengthy, time-consuming multiple step processes replace the simple click and go of the old. The only real benefit I've seen is that it makes the mandated state reports easier, which is not much of selling point for the anyone, other than the couple of people involved with that report at the end of the year. I (and many others) are really hoping that someone is hearing our requests and thing about updates. So far 1.0 really blows! Maybe 1.1 will gain ground, but I'm not holding my breath. If you have ANY say at all fight like hell to keep this thing from entering your district!!! What a pile it is!!!!
That's my advice for the evening...hope all is well in your district!


Unknown said...

"What a pile it is!!!!"

Ouch Hoppy. We spent nearly two years meeting with teachers like you, collecting feedback and so far, response to v.1 has been phenomenal. I would invite you and all your readers to listen to the PSUCast guys to hear what other have to say:

I would be interested in speaking with you to learn some of the specifics that seem to trouble you so. I would also be happy to share some of the enhancements we are planning for version 2 next year.

Please write me directly at so we can connect.

In the meantime, I would challenge you to find another web-based gradebook that is a component of a student information system that matches PowerTeacher in functionality and aesthetics.

Kind Regards,

Paul Smith
Product Marketing Manager
Pearson School Systems

MHopkins said...

Thank you for your contact! I sent an email to you, along with my thoughts and ideas. I hope that there will be a positive interaction with you and possibly some input too.
I'm really interested in the improvements too!