Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Status Quo

Things are still at the same point. Nothing really drastic has changed. I will most likely take my home computer to school after break to show the students some clips from NASA, which I still haven't found a way to show with my locked down school computer. Just another inconvenience as I try to implement more technology...even though I've used some of the same clips for the past 4 years and now can't. It's a weird setting and a strange dynamic. I'm hoping for better things next year and am working with a couple of administrators to help get the ball rolling in the right direction.
I've been keeping my head down and my opinions to myself, which has been really tough. I don't know if it will pay off or not, but at least I'm not getting grief on a regular basis, although I'm really not getting anywhere either. Hopefully I'll find some others in the same position in my district and get something going soon. Next year has to be better. Only 53 days left now. This year's been a wash on the tech front. I hope to plow ahead next year.